Blog + Business Website

The mission - Create a brand-new website for a wellness coach.

The purpose - Launch her business and attract clients.

The idea - As soon as someone lands on this website they automatically get the idea of what they can expect.

This website is filled with free resources to help improve the health of potential clients.

Restore blog banner
On the homepage we created different slider banners so that visitors know that they can expect to find articles and information about aspects of their health and wellness.

Call to schedule placement
We off-set the call-to-action button leaving enough space around it to make it more prominent. We broke up the text into bullet points for a quick easy read and highlighted key points to draw the visitors attention.

Recent blog examples
Instead of putting these in the menu at the top of the page we expanded them with pictures and CTA's on the homepage.

Recipes expansion
In the case of Recipes, once the user clicks the button, they are taken to this page where recipies are further categorized, giving the user more options.

Mission accomplished.
"Gillian is rock solid. I have been blessed to benefit from her expertise, her versatility, and her professionalism. Her extensive experience gives her a wealth of perspective." Emily Cooney - Owner, Goldfinch Wellness

Platform: Wordpress
Maintenance + Care: Plugin Updates, troubleshoot, create pages
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