Simple + Elegant Website

The mission - Create a new website for a wellness coach. Her target audience is women.

The challenge - Finding a color scheme that tells the story of the website owner.

I decided to go with pastel colors because I noticed that this client wore a lot of pastels. She also loves nature, so we took the colors found in nature and used their pastel counterparts.

The results - A nurturing, and heartwarming website that provides a soft place for women to land.

Abbie Silvers website
The fonts and the colors, work to evoke warmth and welcome for women.

Abbey Silvers wellness
We made the website more personable by adding personal photos from the client. Throughout the site we used elements from nature like owner's favorite flowers further expanding the personal touches of the website. 

Mission accomplished.

"I am extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to work with Gillian. What comes through is her genuine kindness, responsiveness, and generosity, as well as her passion for helping clients to create websites that truly represent their mission and business." Abbie Silvers - Owner, Abbie Silvers Wellness.

Platform: Square 


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